How To Decide Between Insured vs Self Funding When Considering Weight Loss Surgery
Whether to Acquire Health fund vs Self Funding? This is an aged old question which I’m sure many of you have debated about when considering how to approach weight loss surgery. The answer to this can be complex involving several key factors such as individual finances, timing/urgency of surgery and the previous experiences of […]
How Smoking and Vaping Can Negatively Impact Your Weight Loss Surgery
Why Smoking is Bad For You Smoking is one of the most addictive habits around the world. Even though giving up smoking can be hard, being able to kick the habit will significantly improve your outcomes when it comes to bariatric surgery. We now know that smoking can have significant negative impacts on your ability […]
How to Choose The Right Bariatric Practice for You?
The Importance of Selecting the Right Weight Loss Bariatric Practice Embarking on the journey of bariatric surgery is a life-changing decision that requires careful consideration and thorough research. Choosing the right bariatric practice is one of the most critical steps in ensuring a long-lasting weight loss outcome. Even though the cost of the initial operation […]
Preparing for Weight Loss Surgery
How Should You Prepare for Weight Loss Surgery? Once a date has been set for your weight loss surgery, you’ll want to ensure you’re as ready as you can be. Preparing for weight loss surgery may involve changes to your diet and medications and some practical planning for your recovery period. Pre-bariatric surgery diet […]
Meal Replacement Shakes and Weight Loss Diets
Starting a new diet is never easy. If you’re following a meal plan, you may need to update your shopping lists, set aside time to cook new recipes and get used to trying unfamiliar foods. It can require quite a bit of thought and effort. Perhaps that’s why there’s a growing interest in meal replacement […]
Dr Loi attended the 5th International Forum of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery and the Annual Symposium of IEF. (China Chapter ). Dr Loi worked and presented with international colleagues and surgeons to promote and educate his peers about the future of Bariatric Surgery.