St. George Obesity & General Surgery

Gallbladder Surgery

Gallbladder Surgery Specialist, Sydney

Understanding Gallbladder Surgery

Gallbladder surgery, also known as cholecystectomy, is a procedure to remove the gallbladder, a small organ located under the liver. Cholecystectomy is safe and is often considered a medium sized operation with patients usually recover fairly quickly after surgery. As the liver continues to make bile, most patients live a normal, healthy life without a gallbladder.

Dr Cheng is a high volume gallbladder surgeon in Sydney who has helped many patients with their gallbladder issues. At St George Obesity and General Surgery, Cholecystectomy is almost always performed through minimally invasive surgery (either laparoscopic or robotic).

Who Needs Gallbladder Surgery?

  • If you are experiencing pain from gallstones
  • If you are experiencing complications of gallstones
  • If you are suffering discomfort from gallbladder dysfunction
  • If you have experienced pancreatitis in the context of having gallstones
  • If you have gallbladder polyps that are increasing in size or greater than 1cm
  • If you are suspected to have or diagnosed with gallbladder cancer

Our Approach to Gallbladder Surgery

Initial Assessment and Diagnosis
Meeting You
initial consultation

At your first consultation, Dr Cheng will help diagnose your gallbladder problem through a combination of history, examination and relevant imaging. He will also take a holistic approach in assessing your general health including any medical conditions prior to recommending if you should undergo gallbladder surgery.

How The Operation is Done
hernia and gallbladder surgery

The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

In almost all cases, the surgery is done through minimally invasive means (either laparoscopic or robotic). Dr Cheng will make four small incisions (<1cm) to facilitate instrument placement.

The gallbladder is then dissected free from its surrounding attachments. Significant care is taken to identify key structures like the common bile duct and not injuring it.

A special xray called the intra-operative cholangiogram will also be performed to make sure that no stones have escaped into the bile duct which may negate further procedures like endoscopic retro-grade pancreactography (ERCP) [read here for more information on this procedure].

The gallbladder vessels and cystic duct are then clipped to facilitate gallbladder removal.

What to Expect After Surgery
patient journey exercise

Most patients after gallbladder surgery remain in hospital overnight for monitoring. Same day discharge can at times be considered for straightforward procedures.

Important aspects to adhere to after cholecystectomy:

  1. Take regular pain relief for 1 week
  2. Avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for 4 weeks
  3. Avoid driving for 5 days
  4. Slow introduction of fatty and milk based foods

One of the common side effects to gallbladder surgery is post operative diarrhoea. This should settle after a week or two as the body adjusts quickly to not having a gallbladder

You will follow up with Dr Cheng after cholecystectomy to ensure that you have recovered from surgery. 

Are There Any Risks with Gallbladder Surgery?

The operation is generally considered safe, but like any surgical procedure, it carries some risks. Here are the potential risks and complications associated with cholecystectomy:

  • Risk factors associated with any surgery:
    • Small risk of bleeding
    • Small risk of wound infection
    • Small risk of anesthesia
  • Rare but significant risks following cholecystectomy:
    • Injury to Nearby Structures:  including the bile ducts (1 in 1000 cases), liver, and intestines.
    • Bile Leakage
    • Digestive Issues – A small proportion of patients may experience diarrhoea post surgery
    • Retained Stones – this is why Dr Cheng performed routine intra-operative cholangiogram to double check

Most complications are rare, and the benefits of removing a diseased gallbladder usually outweigh the risks. Dr Cheng will discuss all of this with you prior to surgery.

Why Have Gallbladder Surgery With Us?

  • High Volume Gallbladder Surgeon
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery (Laparoscopic or Robotic)
  • Holistic patient Care and Tailored Approach
  • Affordable Gallbladder Surgery
  • Operative Safety and Satisfactory Results

Get Your Gallbladder Disease Treated Today