St. George Obesity & General Surgery

Gastric Bypass

Gastric Bypass Surgery Explained

Gastric bypass is a type of metabolic weight loss surgery which involves changing how your stomach and small intestine handle the food you eat. The procedure helps works by restricting the amount of food you can eat, changing hormonal levels involved with food digestion and reducing food absorption in the bypassed gut segment.

In Australia, the 2 most common gastric bypass procedures are the Roux-en Y gastric bypass and the one anastomosis gastric bypass (or also known as the mini-bypass). The Single Anastomosis duodenal-ileal bypass (SADI) is another emerging bypass option. 

gastric bypass

“Here at SGOS, we are experienced in gastric bypass surgery and believe in options – tailoring the right procedure for your situation”

Am I Eligible for Gastric Bypass Surgery?

  • If you have a body mass index (BMI) greater than 35
  • Or if your BMI is greater than 30 if you experience a weight-related illness in particular diabetes
  • And if you have tried other methods of weight loss, such as dieting, without long-term success

Why is Gastric Bypass Surgery So Effective?

  • Restriction – The created small stomach pouch helps to reduce oral intake – patients feel full quicker and eat less
  • Mal-absorption – A portion of the small intestine is re-routed, so fewer calories and nutrients are absorbed. This helps in reducing the overall calorie intake
  • Hormonal Metabolic change – Bypass surgery affects gut hormones that regulate hunger and satiety – reducing appetite and improved insulin sensitivity, which is beneficial for conditions like type 2 diabetes
  •  Mild Dumping symptoms – Patients are often required to adopt healthier eating habits and increase physical activity, which contributes to sustained weight loss and overall health improvements.
choosing the right bypass surgery

How Gastric Bypass can Benefit You?

On average, patients after bypass lose about 65-75% of their excess weight within the “golden time period of 12-18 months

If you suffer from diabetes, bypass surgery is often preferred to sleeve because of its superior metabolic benefits in helping reverse the degree of diabetes or even sometimes lead to its complete resolution. See the available evidence here – Weight and Metabolic Outcomes 12 Years after Gastric Bypass, N Engl J Med 2017;377:1143-1155

Bypass surgery can give you the massive “kick start” that you need in gaining back control over your diet. Making healthy food choices and prioritizing protein becomes a necessity as the amount of food you can eat at one sitting is reduced. Losing significant amount of weight will also help ease the pressure on your joints, which will help motivate you in exercising more.

Roux – en Y gastric bypass being an anti-reflux operation can also help reduces symptoms of volume reflux unlike sleeve surgery

What to Keep in Mind When Considering Bypass Surgery

One of the downsides to bypass surgery is that we often see more issues with long term nutritional deficiencies when compared to sleeve. This is why its important to always keep up with your multi-vitamin supplementation and undergo regular bariatric follow up after bypass surgery.

This is a unique complication of Roux -en Y gastric bypass. Even though rare, its important to be mindful of abnormal abdominal pain episodes and notify your bariatric surgeon promptly when you experience them.

Dumping syndrome is more common in bypass surgery. Dumping is related to a diet high on carbohydrates and sugar. The typical symptoms of dumping includes increased wind and diarrhoea. In more severe cases, it can lead to drops in blood sugar levels where you may feel faint after a meal heavy in carbohydrate/sugar.

The risk of stomal ulcers is highest in the 0-6 months following gastric bypass surgery at a rate of 1-2%. Some of the risk factors for developing ulcers includes – smoking, vaping, use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like neurofen etc. This is why smoking can be a contraindication to bypass surgery.

Read here for more information – https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11695-014-1412-x

How do we perform Roux en Y Gastric Bypass?

Here at St George Obesity Surgery, all bariatric operations are performed through key hole surgery (laparoscopic or robotic) under general aneasthesia.

To perform the operation, Dr Cheng will usually use 5 separate incisions (1cm each). A small stomach pouch is created before re-routing the small intestine into a Y-shaped configuration to limit food intake and nutrient absorption. Typically the bypass length will range between 1.5m to 2m. The artificially created spaces between loops of bowels are then closed to minimise internal hernial risk.

The operation is generally a very safe and effective weight loss procedure for individuals who have been unable to lose weight through diet and exercise alone. However, like any surgical procedure, it carries risks and potential complications. It is essential for patients to thoroughly discuss the benefits and risks with Dr Cheng before deciding to undergo surgery.

Length of Surgery – Typically takes about 2-3 hours.


How do we perform Mini Gastric Bypass (one anastomosis)?

Here at St George Obesity Surgery, all bariatric operations are performed through key hole surgery (laparoscopic or robotic) under general aneasthesia.

To perform the operation, Dr Cheng will usually use 5 separate incisions (1cm each). A small stomach pouch is created before re-routing the small intestine into a loop configuration to limit food intake and nutrient absorption. Typically the bypass length will range between 1.5m to 2m.

The operation is generally a very safe and effective weight loss procedure for individuals who have been unable to lose weight through diet and exercise alone. However, like any surgical procedure, it carries risks and potential complications. It is essential for patients to thoroughly discuss the benefits and risks with Dr Cheng before deciding to undergo surgery.

Length of Surgery – Typically takes about 1.5-2.5 hours.


Similarities and Differences - Roux Bypass vs Mini Bypass

Roux en Y gastric Bypass

  • Longer operation
  • 2 surgically created joins
  • Similar weight loss potential
  • Similar metabolic effect
  • Reduces acid reflux
  • More complex surgery
  • 10% internal hernial risk
  • Similar dumping syndrome risks

Mini (one anastomosis) Gastric Bypass

  • Shorter operation
  • Single surgically created joins
  • Similar weight loss potential
  • Similar metabolic effect
  • Increases risk of bile reflux
  • Slightly less complex surgery
  • No internal hernial risk
  • Similar dumping syndrome risk

Choosing the RIGHT weight loss operation can be confusing even if you’ve done alot of research. This is why its important to talk to us so that we can decide together on the BEST DECISION for you

Why Choose Us for Your Gastric Bypass Surgery?

At SGOS, we have helped thousands of patients in their weight loss journey. We are experienced in what we do and you can count on us getting you through surgery safely and achieving the best outcomes for you

Dr Cheng is an accredited Bariatric surgeon of excellence which means that he is not only well trained in all aspects of bariatric surgery but is also at the forefront of new techniques when it comes to weight loss management.

You can trust that we will be able to tailor management according to your situation so that you always get the RIGHT option for you

Here at SGOS, we can not stress enough the importance of long term follow up. Obesity is a chronic condition and what ever the surgery – sleeve vs bypass is just the beginning of your journey. This is why we are different from most other practices and are committed in providing you with life-long weight loss follow up and support. This includes yearly bulked bill consults with Dr. Cheng and our dietitian beyond your two year intensive bariatric follow up.

Our patient Journey – https://stgeorgeobesitysurgery.com.au/patient-information/the-patient-journey/

We understand the large financial implications of accessing surgery and bariatric care which is only made worse through testing times with the current economy. Just like you, we are frustrated that bariatric services are not more accessible through the medicare system.

This is why we are determined in providing you with the lowest cost in accessing bariatric care. You can find our Transparent Bariatric Program costs here – https://stgeorgeobesitysurgery.com.au/patient-information/cost/

Ready to Kick Start Your Weight Loss Journey?

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